1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Bad Laps", Way to Die #143, is the second death to be featured in "Sor-Dead Affair", which aired on February 29, 2012.


Sergeant Stu is a former drill sergeant turned swimming instructor for a women's swimming class. One of Stu's methods of torture was to double the temperature on the pool's heater, making the water incredibly hot. After his class complains, Stu challenges them to an endurance race, where if the women win, the class would be dismissed. Stu starts off at an early lead, but soon after, the women win after 20 laps. The women did not notice it, but Stu was floating dead in the water due to hyperthermia caused by his wetsuit trapping the pool's heat, leading to heart failure.


(Repeat After Me is playing)

-Narrator: Nowadays if you want to get in shape, you don't go jogging...
-Stu: Give me 50 (seconds). Set...

Stu: (Whistles)

-Narrator: You sign up for an extreme fitness bootcamp.
-Stu: ****!

Stu: Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!!

Narrator: Sergeant Stu's water torture class, was one of the most abusive.


(Wacky Call and Response is playing)

Christopher Mitchell: The only time I think it will be dangerous for a client, to be trained by a personal trainer, is when the personal trainer does not know what is he doing, however next room like myself, meet pushing them beyond their physical capabilities, that isn't dangerous at all. He asks my clients puke. However that's just their body adapting to change something they're not used to.

(Flashback of Stu changing pool's heater, [] is playing)

Narrator: One of sergeant Stu's favorite torture techniques: he jack up the thermostat on the pool's heater to double the suffer index.

(One of the students complains about the pool's temperature, [] is playing)

Student: It is freaking hotter in here!

Stu: It is not, the water's fine! This' an attitude problem!

Narrator: Sergeant Sages decided this girl's class was giving too whiny. So he decided to show them how it's done.

Stu: We're gonna have endurance race. If anyone of you win, we're done for today!

(They stand on the staring blocks)

Stu: Ready? Set. Go.

Narrator: Stu got out to a quick start. But after a few laps, the girls left him in their wake.

(20 laps have passed)

Narrator: 20 laps later, the exhausted booty campers crawl out of the pool. But where is Stu?

(Stu is dead in the middle of the line)

Narrator: He was doing a good impression of a goldfish. The kind you wind up flushing down the toilet.

(Breaking Open DNA is playing)

David Svoboda: During exercise, 70% of energy goes towards cling down the muscles as sweats. In a pool that is 80 degrees or higher, the skin doesn't have ability to cool itself down. He experienced hyperthermia or commonly known as heatstroke.

(CGI human swims, having hyperthermia, causes to shut down the brain, [] is playing)

Narrator: Stu's decision to wear a full body swimsuit. Caused him to retain heat, and going to hyperthermia even quicker. His brain overheated, and through his heart into overdrive.

(One of Stu's student checks on Stu, other students are in shock)

Narrator: His students didn't notice, he was dying. Until he was dead.

(Recap, [] is playing)

Stu: Give me 50 (secs).

-Narrator: Let this be a lesson to all you fitness freaks:
-Stu: Set... GO!!!

Narrator: Take it slow...

Stu: You guys are terrible!!!

Narrator: and easy...

Stu: Go.

Narrator: or you might wind up like Stu:...

(Stu dies in the middle of the pool line from heatstroke by wearing wetsuit)

Narrator: dead in the water.



  • Also called "Final Heat" on the Spike TV website.
  • Fran Crippen died the same way.
  • This is the last death with "Bad" in it's name. The other 3 deaths are Bad Hair Day, Bad Assid and Bad Max.
  • This death is similar to Botoxicated, as both victims are seen wearing a one-piece bodysuit. However, Debbie was innocent while Stu was guilty.

Segment Nicknames[]

  • Final Heat (Spike TV)
Bad Laps

You stink, go to Hell!

Foreign names[]

  • Cocido al vapor (Cooked on steam) - Latin American dub
  • Pasado por agua (Passed through water) - Spanish dub
  • Abgetaucht (Submerged) - German dub
  • Ka taran as lapos (Too far from laps) - Lazoran dub