1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Em-Bear-Assed", Way to Die #412, is the fourth death to be featured in "Death Over Easy", which aired on February 8, 2009.


A man named Randy was under the influence of magic mushrooms which made him have hallucinations. Randy tried to talk to the bushes, but he didn't get anything from them, on top of that, he barked like a dog and walked on all fours in the dirt. Then, Randy comes upon a group of people dressed in animal costumes who were engaged in sexual intercourse with each other (something called a furry). Randy tries to have sex with the participants, but each time he was rebuffed (someone in a chicken costume even shooed him away with his beak). Then, Randy saw somebody who thought was dressed up as a bear, only to get a painful surprise...

"It was a real live bear. And it wasn't into casual sex with a human."

When Randy tried to have sex with it, the bear panicked and proceeded to maul him to death.

Cast & Interviewees

  • Josh Heisler - Randy (lead:intended victim)
  • Dr. Kim Henderson-Toxicologist
  • Morning Bear (Parker Dozki) -Furry
  • Joe Camp-Bear Expert


  • This death scene is awarded the "Dumbest Druggie" in the "Death By Request" Special.
  • Furries were less than happy with this happening. A video of this segment was uploaded onto Youtube, and at the time of writing, has 33 likes and 49 dislikes.
  • The opening and ending pictures of this segment are the same.
  • This is the first death with the number 412.

Segment Nicknames

  • Un-BEAR-ably Attack
  • Bear With a Man

Foreign names

  • Atracción Fatal y Vergonzosa (Fatal Atracction and Shameful) - Latin American dub
  • Osa-Día (Play word for "Oso" and "Osadía") - Latin American dub (The Deathies)
  • Embaraz-Osa (Play word for "Embarazoso" and "Osa") - Spanish dub
  • Bärenfutter (Bear Feed) - German dub