1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Poi Vey", Way to Die #96, is the sixth death to be featured in "Bringing in the Dead", which aired on January 6, 2010.


Sheldon is an Orthodox Jew that is madly in love and obsessed with a hula dancer named Leilani. He moved from Brooklyn to Hawaii to open up a new jewelry store. He tries many things to woo her like leaving poi kreplach, serenading Jewish folk songs on a ukulele, and surfing, with all the attempts being futile. One evening, Sheldon was so overcome with desire, that he crashed a luau where Leilani was performing with her dance troupe. Later, he tried to propose to her, but failed since she wanted nothing to do with him. In his drunken stupor, he decides to stalk her and puts on a grass skirt and dances near torch jugglers. He gets too close and ignites on a nearby torch, causing him to burn to death and then blackened, sending him to hell.


Narrator: Sheldon wanted the one thing he couldn't have, but his dreams, along with everything else, went up in flames.


  • Dr. Henry Schlinger - Behavioral Phychologist
  • Dr. Ramon Cestero - Trauma Surgeon


  • A bottle of flame retardant gel can be seen when Sheldon drops dead.
  • This is the first and only death to take place in Hawaii.
  • "Poi Vey" is a pun on the Yiddish term Oy Vey which means "Oh woe".
  • In the German Dub, it is replaced with Easy Slider.
  • Ramon Cestero's interview is mostly the same as Huffington Toast.
  • Along with Car Jacked and Mail Order Fried, it includes young children.
  • Like Mail Order Fried and Hang Dunked, this segment is sixth.


Anachronisms: Though this death takes place in 1989, the cars parked are modern day.

Editing: When Sheldon is surfing, he's obviously on a green screen -- though in context of the vignette, this could be played for laughs.

Character Error: Even though Leilani wanted nothing to do with Sheldon, she is smiling at his torch dancing. However, she might be impressed by his dancing despite this never being clarified.

Segment Nicknames[]

  • Aloha-Ha-Ha
  • Ha-die-an
  • De-fire
  • Twist and Burn
  • Alo-hot

Foreign names[]

  • Arder de Pasión (Burn with Passion) - Latin American dub
  • ¡Aloha! - Spanish dub
  • Hawayano za ardera (Hawaiians to Burn) - Lazoran dub

