"She-Manned", Way to Die #24, is the fifth death featured in "Death Penalties", which aired on January 25, 2012.
Lydia (Lauren Powers) is a female bodybuilder who works as a fetish actress for wimpy men, who are sexually aroused by being manhandled by much stronger women. Her date grabs a watermelon that she crushes, but dies.
To prepare for her latest date, Lydia takes painkillers, but unwittingly drank Champagne. Then, being far too relaxed, she ends up passing out in the tub and sinks under the water, but awakens before she can drown, but still intakes a large amount of water. Lydia died from a condition called "dry drowning".
Hank then runs out of the house, freaking out.
Narrator: The burly and not-very-girly Lydia got paid off by making wimpy men get off. When she stupidly mixed drugs with alcohol, Lydia started flapping like a beached whale, and drowned on dry land.
- Lauren Powers - Lydia (lead: intended victim)
- Chris J. Johnson - Hank
- Dallas Malloy - Female Body Builder
- Dr. Steve Burstein - Interventional Cardiologist
- It is based on the myth of dry drowning.
- This is the third lowest death (by number) the second is Harry He-Done-y and the first is Ichiboned.
Segment Nicknames[]
- Wet & Dry (Spike TV)
Foreign names[]
- Ahogo Musculoso (Hunky Choke) - Latin American Spanish dub
- Muskuli Sufokasyon (Muscle Suffocation) - Lazoran dub