1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Tanks For Nothing", Way to Die #113, is the first death featured in "Come On, Get Deathy", which aired on January 20, 2010.


A devout Buddhist woman named Serenity (Kelley Koski) practices yoga and meditation, hoping to achieve what the Buddhists refer to as "Satori". To relax her mind, she prepares to enter in a homemade isolation tank full of warm water. As she is changing into something more comfortable for the tank, a Florida water moccasin enters her home and crawls inside the tank for warmth. Serenity fails to notice the venomous snake due to her blissed out state as it crawls up her body and bites her on the left side of her jaw, subjecting her to a lethal dose of venom, sending her to heaven.

"In her blissed-out state, Serenity had no idea she wasn't alone."


(Dali's Dream Death is playing, Serenity practices yoga)

Narrator: In the new age enclave of St. Augustine, Florida, Serenity was on the quest for what Buddhists called: Satori, which means enlightenment. Every day she lead a disciplined regimen of yoga exercises, and meditation, all with the goal of freeing her mind, and becoming one with the universe.

(Later, Serenity uncovers the homemade isolation tank, Helium Dream is playing)

Narrator: The centerpiece of her quest for nirvana, was a homemade isolation tank.

Doc Barham: As you lie there in the dark warm liquid, that's heated to your external skin temperature, you begin to sort of lose the sense of your body space. You know, the boundaries of where you and then where the water begins, it's extremely peaceful and blissful when you come out of the tank after about an hour or 2.

(Creepy Electronics is playing)

Narrator: St. Augustine is home to many spiritual seekers like Serenity.

(A snake shows inside of Serenity's house)

Narrator: It's also home to the Florida water moccasin. An extremely venomous snake. As Serenity got herself into something more comfortable, the snake, got itself, into the nice warm tank.

Sean Roach: Snakes are ectothermic. Like all reptiles, they actually have to...raise their body temperature by seeking some sort of...external means to...elevate their temperature. Usually, they're gonna bask in the sun, but if it's nighttime, they're gonna seek out whatever warmth they can find.

([] is playing, without notice, Serenity enters the tank)

Narrator: Once inside the tank, Serenity's mind was free to wonder the cosmos.

(Serenity is now in the tank)

Narrator: In her blissed-out state, Serenity had no idea she wasn't alone.

([] is playing, the snake crawls on Serenity)

Narrator: The snake, followed its own bliss and bit her.

(CGI snake bites the human's jaw, the scene cuts back to Serenity being bitten)

Serenity: (Happy Wheel's scream)

-Sean Roach: The water moccasin being a pit viper relies on a very strong venom,
-Serenity: (Happy Wheel's scream)

Sean Roach: that carries hemotoxin which is gonna break down any sort of... muscle tissue.

(Replay of CGI snake bites the human's jaw, the hemotoxin enters in the blood cells, the nerve alerts)

Sean Roach: That toxin is injected through 2 needle-like fangs, going into the muscles, and it can actually go into the heart, and that is definitely gonna result in a fatal bite.

(Serenity is dead, the snake gets out of the tank)

Narrator: Serenity was looking for paradise on Earth. She should've realized in every Eden, there's always a snake to watch out for.

Cast and Interviewees[]

  • Kelley Koski - Serenity (Lead: Intended victim)
  • Doc Barham - Full Spectrum Coach
  • Sean Roach - Wildlife Educator


  • Serenity does not speak in her appearances. Just like Sandy in Tanked Girl.
  • She was portrayed by Kelley Koski.
  • Serenity's screaming voice similar to Lula Mae in "Pebble Bitched".
  • It is based on the death of a waterskier. The waterskier toppled into a nest of deadly water moccasins.
  • This death is very similar to Snake du Jour, as both victims got bitten in the face by a snake.

Segment Nicknames[]

  • A Snake in a Tank
  • Seren-die-ty
  • Blissssful Bites

Foreign Names[]

  • Toksyczne zawężenie (Toxic Narrowing) - Polish voice-over (Od)
  • Trafiona zatopiona (Hit and Sunk) - Polish voice-over (New)
  • Sinamhin Tundot (Snake Through) - Lazoran dub
  • El Tanque de la Muerte (Tank of Death) - Latin American Spanish dub
  • Mordedura Mortal (Mortal Bite) - Spanish dub
  • Verbissene Meditation (Featured Meditation) - German dub

