1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"The Depart-Dead", Way to Die #255, is the third death featured in "Stupid Is As Death Does", which aired on March 29, 2011.


A group of white, teenage wannabe-gangstas from South Boston play a drinking game called "Edward Fortyhands”, in which drinkers have beer bottles taped to their hands, and they cannot do anything (smoke, urinate, leave the room, etc.) until the beer bottles are empty. One of them spits a half-lit cigar under a couch, which starts burning the flammable synthetic stuffing, releasing hydrogen cyanide into the room. Because they cannot open the door, they suffocate on the fumes. The only one who didn't participate in the game arrives too late, and discovers his dead friends, prompting him to ask someone else in the house to call an ambulance.

"This was bad. Their starting point was stupid, and then they got really drunk, and wound up breathing in lungfuls of toxic smoke. They were on a slippery slope into the death pit."

Alternative Description

Alternative description as seen on Spike TV's website

Four white wannabe gangstas from South Boston are killed by smoke inhalation because their hands are taped to 40-ounce beers.

Segment Nickname

  • Gangsta Trapped (Spike TV)
  • No Way Out
  • Dead Inhalation